Friday, September 4, 2009

Cat in the tree

The small one known as Bobo has once again revealed herself to be unfit for associating with humans, causing them much anxiety and expense. I have spent most of the beautiful summer months huddled under the automobile, grease dripping upon my striking fur coat, in my efforts to avoid the creature. The creature, in contrast, has been coddled and made much of, and has been allowed to take my place under mistress's bed, pounce upon me at will and generally make my life miserable. I could kill her, and have often threatened to do so with low, throaty growls and scratches, but to no avail.

Yesterday, the creature was trapped in a tree with long, green, needle-like ornaments. When she finally understood how to remove herself from the tree (as I have noted before, this feline is of particularly low intelligence), she was covered in a sticky substance. I heard mistress mutter something about pine pitch. The creature exhausted herself trying to lick it off, to no avail. Had it been I, it would have been but moment's work to remove the mess, as I have neat, practical fur. However, the creature's very long fur is not a suitable companion for this sticky substance. In a word, she is a mess.

I overheard mistress making an appointment with the veterinary clinic to have the creature's fur clipped and the mess removed. She inquired in a worried-sounding voice about the cost of this operation. I am sure that a few more incidents of this type will bring her to her senses and cause Bobo to be removed from the household.

And who chased the creature up the tree? I'm not telling.

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