Sunday, November 8, 2009

Turkey time

The creature has begun to contribute to the operation of the household. For example, in the past week, a wild turkey has been visiting the neighborhood, scratching under the neighbor's birdfeeder and adding some interesting challenges to my otherwise humdrum existence. The young one -- I can hardly call her the small one anymore, as she is almost as large as I -- has demonstrated her stupid courage and her childish energy when approaching the bird. It still still much larger than either of us, with a deadly looking beak. But the other day, with myself on one side of the beast and Bobo on the other, we managed to drive it away. It doesn't fly, but it can run very quickly, spreading its wings for balance.

Unfortunately, because Bobo is not terribly bright, I cannot rely on her to assist me regularly in providing this entertainment. I am afraid that the previous example of coordinated effort was simply a happy accident. But we shall see.

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