Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have heard mistress talking with one of the young masters about arrangements for the forthcoming holiday. Apparently the youngest offspring now owns a kitten, called Boots and Pants. He is worried about the period when his companions will be away from the apartment where they live, visiting their own families. He is the only one whose family lives in the City of Lakes (or so I have heard it called on the voice box that mistress leaves for me when she departs the house).

Because young master will also be leaving the city after the turning of the year, he has suggested that Boots and Pants should temnporarily live at my house. This is a terrible idea. And it is quite possible, based on her name, that this new young feline will be the twin of the lately removed Bobo -- she of the pantaloons and mane.

I cannot bear the thought of a new interloper. Fortunely, it should be for only a short period of time. Mistress is already drawing up plans for segregating the visitor from my wrath.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The creature is gone

My long depression is over. The creature, who was forced to visit the veterinary clinic at least twice since I last made an entry in this journal, has finally gone to live with young master and his lady friend. I hear that the lady friend comes with a cat named Claude. I do not think this will turn out well for anyone, but we shall see. At least Bobo is now an unfortunate memory.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The creature learns about life

Last evening the creature foolishly ventured out. Being a cat of very little brain, she must have determined that since the snow was gone, she would be unharmed -- all the small one thinks about is her creature comforts.

Interestingly, Foxy, the cat next door who looks remarkably like myself, although less stout, was sitting outside, enjoying the breeze. He was most interested in Bobo, having seen her only a few times last summer, when she was only a child. Now, of course, she is a full-grown beast.

The encounter was wonderful, Foxy hissed loudly and stalked up to Bobo, walking sideways. Bobo hissed loudly and uttered the warning cry of the cat and then rapidly retreated to huddle agaist the back door, hissing and crying all the while.

Foxy, having accomplished his goal of setting the neighborhood cats to running away, rolled on the driveway, displaying his nice white belly (although not as nice as mine). Bobo cowered in great distress until mistress took pity on her and opened the door.

A most satisfying outing.

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