Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have heard mistress talking with one of the young masters about arrangements for the forthcoming holiday. Apparently the youngest offspring now owns a kitten, called Boots and Pants. He is worried about the period when his companions will be away from the apartment where they live, visiting their own families. He is the only one whose family lives in the City of Lakes (or so I have heard it called on the voice box that mistress leaves for me when she departs the house).

Because young master will also be leaving the city after the turning of the year, he has suggested that Boots and Pants should temnporarily live at my house. This is a terrible idea. And it is quite possible, based on her name, that this new young feline will be the twin of the lately removed Bobo -- she of the pantaloons and mane.

I cannot bear the thought of a new interloper. Fortunely, it should be for only a short period of time. Mistress is already drawing up plans for segregating the visitor from my wrath.

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