Friday, August 12, 2011

Household visitors

I can finally rest. Adult male brought someone he called his oldest friend into the household. That would have been acceptable, if the oldest friend had not been accompanied by a young man who picked me up, chased me around the house and generally made my life quite miserable. This youth, who I believe was the son of the friend, was a particularly handsome lad. However, his behavior did not match his beauty, and I was forced to spend two days hiding under the large bed occupied by mistress and adult male. The young gentleman and his father departed today, en route to a place called Omaha. I wonder if there will be felines like myself there for the young man to pester.

On a much brighter note, master and mistress have a boarder. This man, who apparently lives in a place called China, has not lived in a household with a cat of my stature before. Because he is so impressed with me, he feeds my frequently when adult male and mistress are away from the house. He is particularly susceptible to my charms, and when I cry and wrap myself around his legs, he always gives me a treat. This bodes very well.

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