Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My World Turned Upside Down

My life has changed in a most disturbing way. One of the young masters brought an interloper into the household -- a tiny furball of a cat with long hair and orange and black spots. He named it Bobo.

Bobo (and, I hasten to add, the name is most apt--a stupid sort of name for a stupid sort of creature) has no respect for position and seniority. Despite my most terrifying hisses and snarls, the infant insists on approaching me, following me about and once even daring to play with my tail. The indignity is most dreadful. It is all I can do to prevent myself from sitting on him or rearrnging his simpering face with my claws.

I have taken to hiding under mistress's bed, where the creature has not yet ventured. I believe I have been loyal and most affectionate, but clearly I have offended in some way. Why else would they turn their attentions to another?

Although I would like to solve this mystery, I am exhausted by having to remain constantly alert. The small one -- I can hardly bring myself to say his name -- moves quickly, surprising me in a most unpleasant way. His cries when seeking the attention of the humans are piercing and extremely irritating. In short, the last few days have been very trying,

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