Sunday, April 5, 2009

From bad to worse

I have not had the heart to record my thoughts in recent weeks. The introduction of the creature known as Bobo has made my life miserable. She (and I was right -- Bobo is a female) pounces upon my tail, rushes up to me at full speed, dances about as I am trying to eat or sleep and has now invaded my formerly private space under the bed occupied by mistress and adult male. This used to be my nighttime haven; it is now merely an extension of the nursery that keeps expanding as Bobo grows.

And she is growing. But I am still much larger by many pounds, and I do not hesitate to show her my displeasure frequently. When I hiss or swat her with my paw, she rolls around or retreats for a few seconds, then returns. On occasion, I have been forced to nip her ears or paws. Even then, she seems not to understand that I very seldom wish to play with her. She clearly is of inferior intellect.

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