Saturday, January 1, 2011


My tranquil life has been disrupted once again. Young master's kitten -- she who visited one week ago -- has returned. Apparently she was unable to live with the other young master's cat, Bobo and the cat of his lady friend, Claude. Of course, I could have told them that it would not be a good match.

I was just beginning to recover from her previous visit and regain my tranquility when she reappeared, running and jumping and, like all young cats, failing to appreciate my dignity and seniority at all. However, unlike Bobo, this one does keep her distance, so I am not forced to injure her to make my position clear.

Her name is Boots. She looks exactly like me, only 15 pounds lighter. I have heard mistress speak favorably of the young one's tail, which is long and snake-like, in my humble opinion. Boots spends many minutes of the day playing with her own tail, as if it were an independent entity. What a silly beast.

And because I am now constantly on guard, I have been unable to enjoy the pretty dangly things that have been placed on the green tree which was brought inside the house.

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