Thursday, January 15, 2009

I am Very Lonely

Mistress, the adult male and the young masters left me. They abandoned me on one of the coldest days. They left the house cold, too. I was so anxious that I explored the house very carefully, hoping to find one of them hidden in some room that I had not yet discovered. Unfortunately, all the rooms were as I had seen them before. There were no extra rooms, no family. I did, however, note that one of the floors, normally a cold, hard flooor of red tile, was inexplicably warm. They must have devised this to comfort me while they were gone.

They did arrange for a young lady -- they refer to her as "Rose" -- to visit the house once each day to provide me with food and water. But that is small compensation for the emotional anguish that I suffered. The identification of the warm floor, however, was an unanticipated bright spot.

And when they returned, some days later, I made certain that they knew exactly how sorely I had missed them.

1 comment:

  1. H.H.--

    I filled your food bowl and water bowl twice daily. Don't beg for cheap sympathy by telling the world I only visited you once per day. And if you think it was cold inside, you should have experienced my walk outside to get to your house: minus twenty-three degrees Fahrenheit.




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