Sunday, December 20, 2009

The creature continues to vex

Adult male and mistress have once again purchased a large green tree that smells most enticing. However, they have not yet placed any of the pretty dangly things upon its branches. I am quite excited with anticipation.

And it makes a welcome change from my usual state -- cowering in the corner in my efforts to hide from Bobo. I can no longer refer to her as the small one, as she is nearly as big as I. However, she is still the young one, and her demeanor is proof. She waits for me at the door, and once I have crossed the threshold, she pounces upon my back as I try to rush to the feeding area. She then tweaks my ears with her paws as I eat, hoping to move me from the dish so she can usurp my place.

And she seeks to usurp me from more than the feeding area. She now sports a mane and pantaloons, and I have heard mistress speak admiringly about her appearance. I think she looks quite silly -- and her behavior is even less admirable, as she scratches furniture and refuses to sit on laps or cuddle for more than a minute before she rushes off on her next destructive mission.

We shall see whether she can contain herself when the pretty dangly things are placed on the tree. I doubt it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

December Melancholy

A green tree has been carried into the house and now sits in the front room, surrounded by boxes. I dimly recollect that something similar occured last year, but my mind is clouded by the presence of the young one. I can no longer refer to her as the small one, as she is quite large and appears even larger because of her long fur. She has usurped my place in the household; I have heard mistress comment favorably upon the mane and pantaloons that Bobo now displays. Of course, such adornments are quite superficial, and give Bobo a surface attractiveness only.

Although her appearance may be attractive, at least to humans, her behavior is most certainly unattractive. The young one waits for me at the door when I return from my constitutional out of doors, then pounces the minute I begin to cross the threshold. She then leaps upon my back as I attempt to make my way to the feeding area. And while I eat, she tweaks my ears in her effort to move me from my dish.

If it were not so cold without, I would seek new lodgings, as this has become intolerable. However, spring must come once again, and I will reevaluate my position at that time. Meanwhile, I shall enjoy the refreshing smell of the tree in the front room and the warmth of my hiding place behind the desk in the chamber occupied by mistress and adult male.

This is no life for a noble beast such as myself.

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