Friday, December 26, 2008

A Cat's Christmas

Humans are useful creatures, although odd. For example, two days ago they brought a large tree into the house. The next day, they spent the evening putting lovely dangly things on it. Clearly, the tree was intended for me to play with -- otherwise, why would they have spent so much time and effort fashioning it to my liking?

So as not to give offense, I obliged by playing with the dangly things arrayed upon the tree. The large white cloth snowflakes, the mirrored balls, the tiny wooden cats (not, I was sad to notice, at all like your obedient servant), hit each other as I patted one, then another, until the bottom of the tree was in motion. It was a lovely sight.

At first the humans laughed, indicating their appreciation for the grace and rhythm with which I prosecuted my task. However, as the pretty things began to fall to the floor, I sensed that they had become less appreciative.

So I retreated to a pile of packages in the corner, resting my head upon them after my exertions. One of the items had a remarkable smell, an exotic yet familiar odor. I was unable to determine precisely what it was, so I resolved to investigate. Although mistress clips my claws (about which some other time), I was still able to tear open the paper around the mysterious odor. The item in question was what the humans call a "catnip mouse" -- how ridiculous. However, it smelled quite enticing, so I spent the next hour lapping and chewing upon it to ascertain that it really contained the catnip that was named on the printed label.

When I awoke, the packages were gone. In their places were piles of paper, ribbon and other litter. Although exhausted, I roused myself long enough to investigate and was rewarded with lovely rustling sounds.

And so passed the day. Young visiting master (he who had presented me with the "catnip mouse") is inclined to feed me many times each day. I show my appreciation often, so that he is not influenced by the tut-tuts and scolding remarks of his mother, the adult female and my mistress. Sadly, I understand that he will be departing in a few days, leaving me to the mercy of the household and its strict regimen. I resolve to encourage him while he is at home.

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