Sunday, December 28, 2008

An Unfortunate Event

Mistress and the adult male and young master have removed all the pretty dangly things from the indoor tree. This took place after the tree inexplicably collapsed while I was playing with it. Young master stated that the tree, not having branches of even length, was unbalanced and was thus likely to fall under any circumstances. However, mistress and the adult male appeared to be quite certain that it was my fault. They appeared particularly exercised about the water that seemed to appear on the rug when the tree overturned. There was much muttering about keeping the floor dry and the carpet continues to be rolled up.

And young master has left the house to return to California. There will be nobody to defend me when incidents such as these occur. I am bereft.

1 comment:

  1. Charles Dickens wrote in *David Copperfield*:

    "WHETHER I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show."

    Humble Housecat, by your own admission, your pages establish to a watching world's perfect satisfaction that you are guilty of causing the Christmas tree's demise. I warn you, H.H. You have already lived out Chapter Four of *David Copperfield*: "I Fall Into Disgrace." Be very careful that you do not live out Chapter Five: "I Am Sent Away From Home."

    --Adult Male



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