Monday, December 22, 2008

I discover a box

Today was cold outside, but warm within. I did hear the humans complaining about the temperature and the frailties of the old boiler. However, with my elegant gray fur coat, I was perfectly situated for warmth.

The adult male human was reading, as he always is. He appeared to be reading unbound books -- he kept removing handfuls of paper from a box, looking at them, and then stacking them on a nearby table. Once he had emptied the box, I lept into it, finding it perfectly suited to my size. Although no paper remained, there were several interesting objects still in the box -- a pen, a plastic square (I believe I have heard them call it a DVD container or some such)and a piece of very thin paper with numbers on it (I know it's a receipt, but they think I can't read).

I batted these objects around the bottom of the box for some time, and found myself becoming exercised. Unfortunately, mistress put her hand in the box to demonstrate her love and affection, but I was so excited by the objects to hand that I bit her. I hasten to add that the second my teeth were on that soft flesh, I drew back and did not break the skin. But she was not pleased and stalked off, leaving me to my delightful box.

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